Midweek service 20th May 2020

Midweek service 20th May 2020

Repercussions of the resurrection



Thank you for joining us for what is an unusual way of “doing” church. We trust that the online service offered here will truly bless you, and that after this virus has passed, you will be able to join us as we resume our normal services and activities. In spite of what is going on at the moment, this is a time for personal growth and getting closer to God, and so our prayer is that you and your family will know Him and His great peace, in all things. This is our sixth week in this Wednesday series which this time will be led by Clive who (together with Derek) is supporting Simon in delivering this series of studies.

Worship time – Abide with me

Reading – Luke 24:45-49

Sermon with prayer – Waiting

Worship time – He is here

Worship time – Still

Blessing to close

Thank you, Lord for this opportunity we have had to wait in Your presence for just a few moments to hear your voice speaking to us. Help us Lord as we seek to live through the difficult times ahead to make Bishop Richard of Chichester’s prayer our own. We pray that we may see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly day by day”. AMEN

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